Sunday, 7 February 2016

Tesseract Day 4. It's a Ghost!

I can hardly call this a "Day", since it took me much less than I expected.

I added the ghost piece functionality. As you can see from the screenshot above, now you can see where the piece is going to fall if dropped. One more thing off the Tetris Guideline to do.

It took me less than 20 minutes, including some minor refactoring (starting to put some order in the chaos that is the main loop). Basically I had to add a small loop to compute the vertical position of the ghost piece every time the piece is moved. And now the renderer of the main board also adds the ghost squares every time it has to add a square for the current piece.

I like it.

A presto,


Friday, 5 February 2016

Let's play. Making Tesseract (Days 1-3)

I have a devlog, now I should start writing in it, shouldn't I?

My first project? Tetris.

Why? Because of this post, which I like and find very sensible.

Why start with a game? Because why not? I like the idea and have lurked around game development sites, blogs and tutorials for a looong time.

My main objective here is to complete a project from start to finish. Possibly for the first time in my programming life. I have been using Python for years to test some of my mathematical hypotheses and it is by far the language I know best (I do know a couple of others, though), but I never made a full project, simply because I never had to.

You will find the code of this project on this repository. Feel free to have a look around.

Here are the (admittedly arbitrary) rules I set for myself:

Just a little wannabe developer's blog

Hello there.

This first post is to explain a couple of things about me and this blog.

I am an Italian mathematician and theoretical computer scientist who's always had a knack for everything computer. Since I'm a curious guy, in the last 15 years or so I have read tons of material on the most diverse subjects.

But never really used that.

That pretty much describes me: I have tried a lot of things and become better than the average untrained guy in a lot of them, but I cannot really say I am good at them.

In this blog I will describe my experiments with coding, data science and other related stuff, in an attempt to go deeper than my usual level.

I will describe the interesting things I find around and my somewhat unorganized learning process.

So basically this is both for me to try and become a decent programmer and a better geek and so that when I say "I know some [piece-of-computer-related-technology]" I have something to show it instead of having to rely on my listener trust.

One last thing: although I know that my English is not that bad, I am still Italian. So please bear with my writing.

A presto (that's Italian for "see you soon"),
